Our Charity Programs

3 John 1:2 "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well."

We all know very well that Christian life is a matter of faith or strong belief. So, to build up those strong beliefs and rhythms, we should become a part of different activities to grow in that faith. We should find the satisfaction of our soul in Christ alone. We need to understand that our spiritual growth depends on both God and us. To assist you in getting these concepts, we arrange multiple meetings where we discuss the plans and goals of the year for evangelism mission achievement. To bring people closer to Christ Jesus is the motivation behind these events.

We continue doing our evangelism every season through FTC church Amsterdam events. We use to organize a regular Sunday worship session to hear the message of the Lord and for that, we would like to welcome you all. There’s a midweek prayer session in FTC church or online and a session of “bible study cell grouping” in a week. There are also Weekly sessions of bible school taken by the pastors of FTC church and praying sessions for the therapy of sick people by home visitation service.

We convey the message of God for the salvation of many souls. In the Spring season, we have an outdoor evangelism mission session to reach out wider as we invite people to join us in our tours inside or outside the Netherland.

In the summer season, we use to invite people to our outdoor events like sports festivals, summer outing fellowship because we believe that it's a great way to show our passion for this Holy mission. In the autumn season, we arrange different indoor activities (church retreat) and it’s open for the people who want to show their affection towards God. It's a part of our evangelism to invite people for celebrating Christmas fellowshipping with us in the winter season. We organize this special event for all of you. Our evangelism via house visitations is for sharing the good news of God, showing the healing miracle of Jesus by praying for the sick, giving spiritual advice, encouraging people, and sharing salvation.

This is our pure intention behind organizing these holy events in our church every day. These are the few efforts from our side for the needy people in times of calamities. 2 Corinthians 9:7 "God loves a cheerful giver." We care we share for you!

A Helping Hand and Spreading Joy

The Supervision of FTC

Joyfulness is something that neither comes from a huge bungalow nor a luxury car, joyfulness is something that belongs to help the creations of God. The best form of helping others is termed as a charity. Charity belongs to blessings and blessings belongs to helping the needy. The bond of these three makes the character of a person very strong and humble. We are living in a world full of disasters. Some are natural and some are human-created. It's our basic need as well as we taught how to tackle these situations. Whenever some natural disaster happens, our beloved things or places got extremely damaged. And the most beloved place for a man is their place of prayer, their holy places. Something similar happened in Taal Batangas.

The FTC “We care we Share” foundation. FTC The Netherlands, under the supervision of Dr. Apostle Edmund Ibanez the founder of the Fundamental Truth of Christ Worldwide Ministry. Apart from praying for the people we are expressing our care through action by charity works. FTC never fails to amaze people by their abilities to serve in the way of God. The FTC foundation always stayed in the first row in helping the needy people and spread joy. Special thanks to the experts of FTC and volunteer-representatives in the Philippines for making FTC proud, prominent and blessed. They aim to make people joyful by making a strong bond of joy, contribution, charity and the taste of the joy of being blessed. FTC will always play a significant role in making society rich in spirit, love, joy and peace and detached from sufferings and starvation. FTC is a hope and a source from God to needy people.

Lucban 2024 Gift Giving 2024

Certainly! Here's a simplified version of the description focusing on the distribution of rice sacks: "The Lucban Gift Giving 2024 program is all about helping those who don't have enough food, especially in poor areas of third-world countries. We give out big sacks of rice to these communities. With the help of kind donors and hardworking volunteers, we make sure that families who struggle to find enough to eat get this essential staple. By providing rice sacks, we're offering more than just food – we're giving hope to people facing hunger. In Lucban, we believe that everyone deserves access to enough food to live a healthy life. Through this initiative, we're working to make that belief a reality. Together, we can make a big difference in the lives of those in need. With each rice sack we deliver, we're helping families build a brighter future for themselves."

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Pandemic & Natural Disasters 2020

Taal Volcano
Taal Volcano

The year 2020 was the time to face a natural disaster. The lava of the mountain entered the roads of Taal and made extreme damage to the houses and cars of the residents. Still, people are not that sad but now it is time to make them sad. The people and the houses were surrounded by lava and got extremely damaged. People are unable to stop this disaster. The only thing they did was to watch with a heavy heart. But it is cleared to all of us that we are unable to control any disaster that came from the nature.

FTCWM: We care we share

Whenever a disaster occurred, God created some source to help needy people. In this disaster, Fundamental Truth of Christ foundation was one of the sources of God. Due to extreme damage to the villages, people were homeless, helpless, and hungry. FTC with their volunteers decided to help these poor who lost their houses, their food, and their loved ones. Disasters always leave a scar in the society that takes time to heal. FTC targeted 50 families and rescued them by giving them support with relief goods. They rescue them in the sense that they feed them and most importantly they contributed financially from donations to help these victims of the disaster.

Targeted families
Targeted families

FTC made a rough estimate of helping at least 50 families. The Fundamental Truth of Christ foundation did what they thought, they helped more than 50 families. They are funded by the FTC Netherlands and Germany. The project site was the Taal Batangas evacuation center.

Targeted families
Covid-19 pandemic and the Philippines

A virus named Covid-19 was ruling the year 2020. It locked people in their houses and made a huge decrement in the economy of every country. People were facing unemployment, starvation, and the most important thing their mental condition got extremely damaged. They are unable to meet their loved ones even they could not handshake. We’ve faced very difficult times like world war or events similar to covid-19. But we can say that the COVID-19 time was the worst time of the year. It makes the year 2020 worse for some people. Some people lost their dreams but some lost their lives.

Targeted families
Paranaque in fire

Paranaque was not only fighting with the virus but they also struggle to the burning houses of Paranaque. Fortunately, the families are safe and sound but yes! They are homeless now. In these difficult times, they are waiting for the source of God to help them and get them out from this pandemic and disaster. So, for every pandemic and disaster, God created a source of help.

Targeted families
Contribution of FTC

FTC made a strategy on how to help the people. After making dozens of rough sketches, they decided to make a plastic bag containing basic items of food like rice, flour, canned sardines, corn beef, noodles, soup, eggs, etc. they gave these bags to the 50 needy families. The most important and difficult task is to separate the needy people. There are still some people or families who are truly needy and waiting for the act of kindness and humanity. FTC made a proper sketch of those families so that they can help the truly needy people. And that’s something very difficult. Here also, FTC standing voluntarily to help needy people. They aim to give the equipment of their basic needs. They targeted at least 50 families and fulfill their basic needs.

Targeted families
Covid-19 and Lucban

As is discussed above, coronavirus was spreading very rapidly. Not the only Philippines, every corner of the Earth is facing this virus and trying to survive from this deadly pandemic. As the very first precaution was to stay at home and make a complete lockdown. While taking action to the first precaution, people were getting unemployed. There is not only one deadly problem but the second one is more dangerous. The second deadly problem is starvation which was caused by unemployment.

Targeted families
What did we do in Lucban?

As FTC stands in the first row to help people, once again FTC was the source of God for the help of needy people. We made a strategy and decided to pack a bag of dry fruits so that it can boost immunity and help the people to survive. Our experts recommended this package to make a heavy decrement in the death rate. Moreover, it can help the people which were really in need to eat healthy and good food. And at first, FTC decided to target 75 families. After making the gift bags FTC decided to contribute one bag to one family. The reason for giving only one bag is quantity, FTC filled the bag with dry fruits and basic food items which will be enough for one family. These strategies are made under the supervision of experts and also implemented under expert volunteers.

Christmas Giving in Buhi 2020

Typhoons, Covid-19 and Bicol Region

Nehemiah 8:10 Nehemiah said,“ Go and enjoy taste food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength“.

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The Year 2020

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was the time to face a natural disaster. The lava of Mt Mayon Volcano entered the roads of Albay Province and making extreme damages to the houses of the residents living around the volcano. The town of Buhi is just behind the mountain of Mayon Volcano, this Town was also had extreme damages like their occupations were extremely affected by the flood. People in this village have their source of living from the plants and the common occupation is fishing in the lake Buhi. Because of the very strong typhoon Quinta, Rolly and Ullyses hit this last quarter of the year the town people were homeless, helpless, and hungry.

Glory to God!

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Christmas Gifts in Buhi

The FTC Ministry is now 2 years in serving God. As an ambassadors of Christ we are representing how God is good in everyone of us. This year 2020 the event of we care we sharing Christmas Gifts in Buhi, Camarines Sur. This is the 4th times we did sharing our helping hand, Glory to God! Even we are a new church we are blessed to respond to the mandate of God in this ministry to contribute in feeding the needy not only in spiritual but even in physical. This season is the end year of 2020, we are already in 2 years now doing this charity works. Our desire is to help the needy in the emergency victims of calamities and even in a seasonal event to ease some heaviness in their heart and make them smile. FTC Worldwide Ministry is thanking God for the opportunity intrusted to this church to give relief goods and cooked food packs, share love and joy to our brothers and sisters after the storm from the victim of the successive typhoons hit the Philippines especially to the region 5 the Bicolandia Province. We don’t dwell on how badly they were affected by the typhoon, but FTC would like to share the goodness and faithfulness of God. We are forever grateful

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Joy in our Hearts

for the wisdom, favor, protection, guidance, provision and joy in our hearts to distribute the giving of gifts this Christmas. From the ‘we care we share foundation’ at exactly on Christmas day celebration is the distribution of the gifts. Thank you Lord Jesus it’s the celebration of your birthday, the first coming of our Lord and Savior in this world. We are happy to see the people received the gifts with the smile in their face saying “Merry Christmas and thank you very much FTC Ministry”! Thank you very much Jesus for you are truly the God of more than enough, we prayed for 50 families and you exceeded what we prayed for, the blessings we were still able to give gifts packed of ready to eat food to those homeless street kids. FTC wants to thank everyone who gave money donations, we are blessed in the life of the kind hearted sponsors from brethren in FTC Germany and FTC Hongkong. Thank you for the generosity hearts declaring a hundredfold return to all of you in Jesus name. We thanking the contact person in Buhi for facilitating the FTC charity project and for the victorious distribution of the relief goods. We give back the Glory to God for HIS faithfulness to supply more than we need. God bless!