Policy Plan

1. Introduction

This is the policy plan of Fundamental Truth of Christ in Hoofddorp. There are two branches of the church in Amsterdam and The Hague. The plan includes an overview of our objective and the resulting activities and provides insight into fundraising and management. This policy plan has been drawn up within the framework of the ANBI scheme.

2. Strategy

2.1 Purpose

Fundamental Truth of Christ abbreviated, FTC is based on the bible scriptures:

  • Tree of Burning Bush : God (Exodus 3:2-6)
  • Bird : the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:2)
  • River : Living Water (John 7:38)
  • Big Cross : Christ Disciples (Galatians 3:13)

As a head verse in Matthew 14:13-21 (NKJV) : Multitudes of people feed by Jesus Christ through his disciples.

2.2 Purpose

The Foundation is to bring people to the proclamation of God's Word faith in Jesus Christ and to experience communion with Him and in Him with each other in.

2.3 Realization of purpose

The foundation tries to achieve its purpose by, among other things:

  1. Holding weekly meetings, where the proclamation of God's Word is central;
  2. Providing Bible study;
  3. Providing assistance;
  4. Promoting and organizing evangelistic activities;
  5. Other legally permissible means that promote the objective.


In order to achieve its objective, the Foundation can also make payments to (other) bodies that are recognized as ANBI.

2.5. Absence of profit motive

The difference between the resources obtained and the resources spent will only be used to finance activities aimed at the survival and continuity of the municipality and will not be paid out to third parties, administrators or otherwise.

2.6. Appropriation of surplus liquidation balance

In accordance with article 10.3 (Articles of Association). The destination of the liquidation balance is also determined in the decision to dissolve. The liquidation balance will benefit an ANBI with a similar objective as the Foundation or a foreign institution that exclusively or almost exclusively aims at the public benefit and which has a similar objective as the Foundation.

2.7 Activities

The activities of the denomination are aimed at providing spiritual and pastoral support and everything that goes with it, in a broad sense, and in accordance with the wishes of the relevant church member. The general interest is also served by the activities of the denomination.

Policy and Management

3.1 Concrete Activities

The activities of the denomination are aimed at providing spiritual and pastoral support and everything that goes with it, in a broad sense, and in accordance with the wishes of the relevant church member. The general interest is also served by the activities of the denomination.

3.2 Fundraising, Management, and Spending

3.2.1 Fundraising

The denomination does not engage in active solicitation. The denomination's assets are and are mainly formed from voluntary contributions (gifts) from members. This includes collections during the weekly services, gifts given in a different way (bank), bequests and inheritances. Inheritances may only be accepted under the privilege of inventory. Voluntary action means that no direct debits, payment terms, reminders or reminders are used. As described in the Bible:

“Let each one do as he decides in his heart; not out of sorrow or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver ”(2 Corinthians 9: 7). People are not held accountable for their financial contribution. The amount of the financial contribution also has no consequences, for example with regard to membership, church activities or nomination for positions.

3.2.2 Management of Funds and Overview of Cost Structure

Much of the money received annually is spent directly. The indirect costs are minimal and only relate to expenses such as bank administration and transfer costs and other expense reports. The board is entitled to an expense allowance for attending board meetings. The nature and size of the revenues, the costs (including the management costs) and the size of the assets are administered. In principle, all revenues and costs are recognized in the period to which they relate. All proceeds (donations) are recognized as proceeds in the financial year in which they are received by the denomination.

3.2.3 Use of Funds

Because the denomination's assets are created through voluntary contributions, the rightful ownership of all assets (including income from property) rests with the denomination. In the coming years, the denomination will use its assets for:

  • Payment of rent;
  • Support domestic and foreign projects, goals or natural persons who fulfill the purpose of the denomination;
  • Purchase of teaching materials for adults and children;
  • Purchase of musical instruments (for the meeting);
  • Purchase of other resources and aids to support the meetings and
  • Financing of ministerial training.

3.3 The Board

3.3.1 Composition and task of the board

The board currently consists of:

  • Chairman;
  • Secretary and
  • Treasurer.

Decisions of the board are taken by a majority of valid votes, always striving for full consensus. On the basis of a resolution passed, the denomination can be represented by two directors acting jointly, unless a written proxy is issued to one person by the board.

The board decides who receives a financial contribution, which domestic or foreign projects are supported and the 'daily' management that is required. The board meets at least once a year in full composition.

3.3.2 Implementation of the policy and supervision thereof by the board

In order to promote that the denomination carries out its task in accordance with the principles described above and that all that is done in connection with this is done fairly and with order, the acquisition is supervised, the management and use of resources. This supervision includes:

  • The treasurer is in charge of the daily administration and will make all payments and donations to the denomination.
  • For expenditure above € 500, permission is required from the board by unanimous vote.
  • The treasurer is obliged to prepare the balance sheet and the statement of income and expenditure with accompanying explanatory notes each year within six months after the end of the financial year and to submit it to the board for approval.
  • The denomination is accountable to the members' meeting every six months about the acquisition, management and use of the resources by means of a financial overview.
3.3.3 Remuneration for directors

Directors do not receive any remuneration. Costs incurred in the performance of his or her function are reimbursed to a director. The nature and extent of these costs are administered per person.

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